Press Release ~ Photographic Evidence ~ Scientists' Biographies

A NASA research team of scientists at the Johnson Space Center and at Stanford University has found evidence that strongly suggests primitive life may have existed on Mars more than 3.6 billion years ago.

The NASA-funded team was co-led by planetary scientists Dr. David McKay, Dr. Everett Gibson, and Kathie Thomas-Keprta of Lockheed-Martin, all from JSC, with the major collaboration of a Stanford team headed by Professor of Chemistry Dr. Richard Zare, as well as six other NASA and university research partners.

JSC Scientists Stanford Scientists
David McKay - Assistant for Exploration and Technology for JSC's Earth Science and Solar System Exploration Division.

Everett Gibson - Senior Scientist with JSC's Planetary Sciences Branch.

Kathie Thomas-Keprta - Lockheed-Martin planetary scientist at JSC.

Christopher Romanek - Formerly a National Research Council post-doctoral fellow at JSC; now a staff scientist at the Savannah River Ecology Laboratory at the University of Georgia.

Hojatollah Vali - National Research Council post-doctoral fellow at JSC and staff scientist at McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

Richard Zare - Professor of Chemistry at Stanford University.

Simon J. Clemett - Graduate student in Chemistry at Stanford University.

Claude R. Maechling - Graduate student in Chemistry at Stanford University.

Xavier Chillier - Post-doctoral student in Chemistry at Stanford University.

The Discovery ~ Astromaterials ~ Mars Exploration

Curator: Annie Platoff
Responsible NASA Official: Kelly Humphries
Last Updated: 6 August 1996